Thursday, May 22, 2008

Creating a Sales Machine

For many salespeople (myself included) sales just kind of comes naturally. You meet the client, listen, exchange information, establish trust, and then go from there. Outgoing and social people like myself tend to do pretty well in this context. We also tend to believe we're doing really well when actually we're not. In my case, I think it comes from having a generally optimistic attitude combined with some adult onset ADD. Ha!

What I've found over the past couple of years however is that access to sales data, and having the discipline to understand and act on it, can be be a much more powerful tool than the ones that come to me naturally. This discovery has become particularly relevant as I manage a growing team of salespeople working in different markets. By working to understand where we're winning and losing, I can more effectively equip my staff to win more often.

Recently, I came across a blog I thought I would share with you. It's coming from one of the guys that was very involved in We don't use software, so this is not a pitch -- leave it to a salesperson to have to issue that kind of disclaimer.

At any rate, the theme is how sales professionals can use the data they have to better serve their prospective and current customers. I read it often and you might want to as well. The link to it is below. Enjoy.


Build a Sales Machine

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