Saturday, June 28, 2008

Build A Sales Machine: Stop Obsessing Over "The Decision Maker"

This is a great post. It makes a lot of sense in terms of who we (as labs or photographers or printers) sell to in 2008. Even speaking personally, in my own team I often refer salespeople to people who work for me because I will not make a decision until they have met and talked to him or her. Their buy in is imperative -- and the lack of it will be a huge negative influence on a potential deal.

Here's a quote form this short article and a link to the whole thing.

"One of the changes in B2B selling is that, instead of decision makers making their own, often arbitrary decisions, purchase decisions today are made through a collaborative process involving multiple people and teams. This has always been a part of B2B sales, but now it's dominant. The 'decision making process' is now more important than 'the decision maker'."

Build A Sales Machine: Stop Obsessing Over "The Decision Maker"

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